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FIRST: Igniting young minds. Nurturing passions. Practicing Gracious Professionalism.
“Being a Gracious Professional involves respecting yourself, your team, other teams, and everyone around you. It is a way of doing things with a competitive spirit, without making anyone feel like a loser. Gracious Professionalism is a way of interacting with other people respectfully, doing excellent work, and promoting teamwork and appreciation of others.”

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Spell Check

Hey, I drew the logo and Logan realized that I spelled Revolution wrong... In the previous post it is spelled Revoluion. There is no spell check on computer paper. So I re-drew it a few meetings ago with the correct spelling. I don't think it is posted yet but I did re-draw it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Brandon! Really happy that's going on the t-shirts.